Vegan Recipes | Not That Kind of Vegan

Cashew Chipotle Aioli: The Secret Sauce You Didn’t Know

Ah, Montreal—home to some of the best vegan food around. I recently indulged in a trip to one of my favorite spots in the city, LOV Vegan, where I went all in on a heaping pile of kimchi fries. Yeah, I know...

Carrot Lox: The Perfect Vegan Twist on a Classic Delight

While we all know that a good kitchen is key to making magic happen, sometimes you just have to roll with what you’ve got. Right now, Rick and I are in Montreal, still apartment hunting (the struggle is...

Cashew Cream Mashed Potatoes

Potatoes. The MVP of comfort food. The ultimate versatile ingredient. The real reason anyone shows up for dinner. From fries to gratins, soups to chips, they never miss. But my all-time favorite? Mashed...

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Palak Tofeer

I’m getting ready for a trip to India, and am pre-celebrating the warmth and spices with palak tofeer! This recipe is inspired by a very close friend of mine who happens to be an amazing restaurateur, and who owns a...

Coconut Mango Oatmeal

I eat oatmeal for breakfast pretty much every day. It’s so easy and nourishing. Plus it’s cheap AF. I used to hate oatmeal because I always made it super boring with milk, sugar, and fruit, and it wasn’t until I started...

Vegan Scalloped Zucchini

I got inspiration for this dish from a keto based recipe. The only way I am watching my carbs is by watching them get in my mouth, but I thought this was a fun variation on scalloped potatoes and decided to veganize it...